Friday, July 22, 2011

The new "Myspace pose"

You don't hear much about Myspace these days
the ONE legacy that is still around today?


While there are many variations of the Myspace pose that have held some staying power
{my favorite being the bathroom mirror shot}
The classic pose is the self portrait, taken from a downward pointing angle. Often times without anything close to a smile


If you're thinking to yourself
Self:  *L*Mo, you already did a blog post about the perfect pose

yes, you are correct...
{If you haven't read it, it's HERE}

This post isn't about a's actually about a new breed of photos currently making their way onto every single Facebook page in the world.

True to form like the Myspace pose,
these types of photos
make ugly people look more attractive
and attractive people look even MORE attractive.

While i most definitely rock all sorts of photo poses...
I am proud to say I never rocked the Myspace pose

I cannot say the same for this new craze..
So what is this new photo craze you ask?

I call it the iPhone photo app movement
Instagram, CrossProcess, Hipstamatic
{to name a few}
and yes I do currently have all 3 of these on my phone.

Sure- people love these apps because they make normal photos look
"artsy" or "vintage"
but in my case 
I think they make them look
just plain cuter

Either way, altered photos like these
have become a hot commodity
and it seems like everyone has jumped on the bandwagon.

I don't know what it is about pics like these, I just love them!!

Even the people on FB I don't really care much about...I still need to look at their cool photo app pics!!

Time to peel apart a few of these photos so you can see WHY this kind of thing is so necessary:

Pic #1 pre photo app

Fyi: Kirsten's makeup looked really good on this night, was it the flash!? Who knows!

Post photo app

So clearly we can see here that in the beginning, this photo wasn't so cute
{technically I never thought this photo WAS cute even after I took the Instagram to it, but you get the's now CUTER}

Pic #2 pre photo app

I saw this pic and even in my buzzed fog, could instantly tell this was not a great pic.
{that's what I get for asking our male waiter to take the pic}
Thus went right to Instagram


Sidenote:  Instagram gets a standalone shout out because its so awesome! It's pretty much like a photo FB and you can share pics with friends "following" you.


Anywho...I really think these kinds of apps just make you look tanner, skinner, cooler, and overall more attractive in general...

I'm convinced the rest of the population feels the same way
because EVERYONE is doing it too...

So friends, I leave you with this...

In the world of iPhones and endless photo apps, it is no longer acceptable to post an ugly photo.

Time to get yourself one of these apps

{don't try and say they cost money, most don't}



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