Thursday, January 20, 2011

The ART of a pose

Ahhhh the art of a pose!!
celebs have this down to a science.
and it's something I've always strived to replicate.
 If you can master the skinny pose
it can make photo-taking a whole lot more fun!
{instead of uber embarrasing when you get caught in a not so flattering pic}


{click to enlarge but I REALLY wouldn't if I were you}
SERIOUSLY, what is that?!?!
my boyfriend can't even LOOK at me and is pounding booze instead...
and our friend Mounter looks shocked 
and is CLEARLY pointing up at the 
that is ME in the pic.
{I had a small heart attack when I saw this made it to fbook}

 the lesson today, my children
is to learn how to AVOID this kind of shot.
I dedicate this posting to my sister Kirsten
the true master of the skinny pose
{also my model in several pics below}

1. The skinny arm

Paris KINDA mastered this very early on...
{say what you will about the girl}
Shoulder back.
Hand on the hip.
Elbow angled away from the camera.
 Kirst {right} and Hayley {left} rocking the skinny arm

Jeez I still can't get over that ugly pic. BARF!

ok anyhoo...

2. Lean forward/head forward
 This pic was taken the DAY after I saw the one above...
I am focusing on extending that head out of the neck area!
I would also like to highlight #3 with this same photo
3. Hide behind people to make yourself look skinnier!
 the photo pretty much says it all
hide behind best friend and boyfriend?
instantly skinnier

4. Tongue to the roof of the mouth
now you may be saying to yourself
self: "I've never heard of this trick *L*Mo!"
And that's probably because I'm pretty sure my sister and her friends made it up!
 not only does our lovely model have the very beautiful jaw line working for her
but she is also working the HEAD TILT
{another great way to accentuate the skinny jaw line}
By placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth while smiling,
you instantly create a better jawline 
and a skinny neck!
GO to the mirror right now and TRY THIS until it looks good
{this can tend to look awkward before you master it} 

 Look at Kirsten working that SKINNY POSE!

so remember kids

I don't even know these girls but I'm using their pic!
{Thanks Google Images}

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