Thursday, February 3, 2011


There comes a time every once in a while
when we need something to make us smile
on a tough day
those days when
 nothing seems to be going right
today was one of those days...

So what did I do??
I took to the internet to find funny stuff that would make me laugh!
it worked.

I thought I would share a few of my favorite images I stumbled across today:
{as always-click to enlarge}

Damn it you stupid seal! For the LAST time, this is a PENGUIN DOCUMENTARY

all the single planets! alllll the single planets

 He has my business for sure...any food doctor who allows TBELL is A-OK in my book!

OK...if you are going to blow your boobs up with might want to stand behind a FLUSH background and get your arm out of the way first. 

 Future SFDC Sales Rep...that girl with the beads on her wheel spokes doesn't stand a chance!

Where's GOTH WALDO?!

 Don't do it Spike!! You have too much to live for!!!
hope those brought a **smile** to your face today.


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