Thursday, January 13, 2011


my first blog, my first year of resolutions I plan on keeping
(we'll see if that happens)
I've never been one to make resolutions because like so many of you out there, I BREAK THEM ALL
*not anymore folks*
I have some concrete goals and here they are
1. lose weight
{one of the most famous and most broken of resolutions}
I plan on actually doing this because if I don't, I'm pretty sure I will have to buy all new clothes and I do not have that kind of budget, plus who wants to be fat? not me.
2. pay off credit cards and bills
I need to do this before the debt collectors start making house calls trying to track me down
3. redecorate our house including a lovely kitchen remodel
{kitchen remodel and crown molding hit the top of the list!}
4. Hogan's surgery
you will notice this resolution is crossed off, that is because as of tomorrow, our little puppy will be fatty tumor FREEEEEEEE
5. Quit drinking soda
I am happy to report it is the 13th of Jan and I am 13 days coca cola SOBER
and finally 6.
I want to be a better boyfriend is a PRO for god's sake, and I have silly little *girly* dreams of playing lovely rounds of couples twilight golf in MAUI together

SO there they are! 6 resolutions and one I have already checked off the list.

I think 2011 is going to be a pretty awesome year!


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