Monday, January 17, 2011

The other me...??

My guess {and hope so I feel more normal} is that this happens to all of us at some time or another...
You go out for a nice round of drinks with friends
one cocktail turns to 2, then 3, then 4, then 5...and so on...
and before you know it, you aren't really your "normal" self anymore.

This could go a few different ways and you become one {sometimes more depending on the night and length of it} of these below...
1. The FUN drunk-who doesn't love this person? Always high fiving, buying rounds of drinks, and busting out rockin moves on the dance floor.
{my beloved tends to fall in this category}
2. The EMOTIONAL drunk-this includes the drunk who tells EVERYONE how much they love them, and the serious talk drunk who always needs a heart to heart...
3. The ANGRY drunk- including but not limited to- the fist fight starter, the jealous bf/gf, and the friend who always feels left out.
If you are like *Yours Truly* and have made a habit of falling into one of these categories, chances are, you have been given the pleasure of a named ALTER-EGO!!!
So without further adieu, I would like to introduce you to just a few....

{Get that drink out of her hand!!!!}
Name: Lindsey
Alter Ego: Linda 
Drink of choice: Hard alcohol of any kind
Description: the ANGRY drunk-most commonly known for snapping at her boyfriend for a variety of reasons
none of which I ever remember the next day and are never of any importance whatsoever.
{so sorry baby}
You will all notice that THIS...IS...ME...
I am SO not proud of Linda-I hate her!  But I AM proud to say that I left Linda in 2010 and she is not invited to join this party- that is the year 2011 {and beyond}.

{Those shades won't hide those ANGRY eyes BOB!!}
Name: K.O.B.
Alter Ego: B.O.B
Drink of choice: Bushmills
Description:  Yet another victim of ANGRY drunk syndrome.  When BOB isn't dancing up against jukeboxes checking her sexy self out in the mirror, she can be seen snapping at her boyfriend for the same variety of reasons Linda does.
Side note: Linda and BOB looooove to vent together about their "bad" boyfriends
**I think I speak for both of us when I say, we have the BEST,  most patient, and forgiving boyfriends in the world. :)

And finally, one that many of you know AND LOVE....
The one...
The only...

Name: Nick
Alter Ego: RICK
Drink of choice: Crown Royal or vodka
Description: The FUN drunk-also slightly/extremely perverse...but none the less...FUN!
Some favorite Rick quotations:
"When we started taking double shots of vodka and chasing it with a lick of fruit roll-ups, I knew there'd be hell to pay in the morning."
"Do not walk into the Apple store and say 'Whose d*&k do I have to suck to get an iPad around here?!?!'....Turns out there is a guy."
"My traveling pants need a sisterhood."
What is YOUR drunk alter-ego??



  1. Rick has also been called "the polisher" by some family friends I know = )

  2. HAHA! Wait a minute... where is mine?? I definitely have one...
